Midawga Ardoyda Jaamacada SIU

“Welcome to the official website of the Somali International University Students Union.”

Message From Chairman

It is with great pleasure that I welcome you to the Somali International University Student Union website. This platform is designed to provide relevant information, promote connections, and foster the exchange of ideas and concerns. Through this network, we aim to present the Unionโ€™s priorities, policies, and ongoing activities.

Our vision is to strengthen the relationship between our students and our community. We are also aware of the challenges that lie ahead and are committed to doing everything in our power to overcome them.

We deeply appreciate your support and encourage you to advise us and provide constructive feedback to help us move forward.

Dr. Sharmarke Moulid Mohamed Dhulsocod
Chairperson of the Somali International Universityย Studentย Union

MAJSIU Government

MAJSIU Relationships

Faculty leaders

Abdi Sharief Mohamed

Head Faculty of business and economics students association

Mohamed Abdirahman Omar

Head Faculty of engineering and computer technology students association

Sumayo Abdullahi Mohamed

Head Faculty of Health Science Students Association

Mohmed Adam Izak

Head Faculty of education students association

Isse Mohamed Adan

Head Faculty of arts and social science students association

Abdulkadir Ibrahim Yusuf

Head Faculty of agriculture students association

Abdikarin Farah Mohamud

Head Faculty of sharea and law students association

Ahmed Dahir Mohamed

Head Faculty of medicine and surgery students association

Our Activities

Consultation and Research

Sookordhinta barnaamijyo kor uqaadaya
wacyiga cilmi-baadhis ee ardayda

Educational Development

Abuurista barnaamijyo waxbarasho
iyo tababarro gaar ah.

Encouraging and Cooperation

In la kobciyo midnimada iyo iskaashiga
dhex mara ardayda

Communication and Creativity

Kashaqaynta fursado iskuxidhaya ardayda
iyo hal abuuro wax ku oola.

Job Opportunities and Sports

Uraadinta fursadaha banaan ee shaqo
iyo barnaamijyo sports.

Concept Development

Horumarinta iyo kor uqaadista hab-fikirka
ardayda jaamacada SIU.

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